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Chair Welcome

Welcome from Veen Rama,
Chair of the Trust Board

On behalf of my fellow Members and Trustees, I warmly welcome you to the Beyond School Trust.  We were established as a Multi Academy Trust in 2012.  Our vision is straightforward: 


To be the most respected family of schools - trusted to provide the highest quality of educational experiences in our communities.


We have a strong ethos of being an organisation of One Vision, One Trust, One Family of Schools inspiring outstanding learning.

Our 5-year strategic plan sets out all that we wish to achieve in our Trust over the coming years.  This can be downloaded here. Our strategic priorities, as set out by the Board and the Executive leaders are:


The Board, through its school based local governance committees, known as Local Governing Bodies (LGB) closely monitors the delivery of the priorities. We strongly believe in the value of lifelong learning, and so the work of Trustees has supported the Executive team in creating a Strategic plan that focuses on fully preparing children, so they have the skills, knowledge, values and character to be successful in the world beyond our doors. 


Beyond School Trust is often looking for motivated individuals to join the LGBs of our schools.  Being a Trustee or a Local Governor is a substantial but rewarding role, one that will allow you to develop new skills and networks, as well as use your existing skills and experience to deliver improved outcomes for children and young people.  If you are interested, please take a look at our recruitment page or e-mail Clerk at


Veen Rama 

Chair of the Board

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Meet the Trustees

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Meet the Members

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Former Trustees / Members
(Resigned or Ended Term in the Past Year)

Marc Hoodless - 10.24

Trovene Hartley  03.24 

Patricia Daniels - 08.24



Governance Structure

The Beyond School Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Trust’s Memorandum and Articles of Association are the primary governing documents of this Trust.


The Trustees of Beyond Schools Trust are also the Directors of the company for the purposes of company law and the Secretary of State for Education is our principal regulator.


The role of the Members


Members play a limited but crucial role in safeguarding trust governance. They assure themselves that the governance is effective and that Trustees are acting in accordance with the trust’s charitable objects, but they are not involved in the day-to-day running of the Trust. Members may step in if the governance is failing and use their powers as set out in the Trust’s Articles of Association.


The role of the Trustees


The Board of Trustees (“Trust Board”) is the decision-making body of the Trust and is accountable and responsible for the trust and all the academies within it. The Trust is the employer of any central staff and those within the academies.


The Trust Board has three core responsibilities:


  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


The role of the Local Governing Bodies


The Trust Board delegates specific roles and responsibilities through the Scheme of Delegation to committees, including the Local Governing Bodies. This strategic direction and oversight will ensure that the culture, values and ethos of the Trust is being met at individual academy level. The LGB is accountable to the Trust Board in relation to any matter delegated to it. Roles and Responsibilities for all committees and the Local Governing Bodies are written in the Terms of Reference documents which can be found here.

Trustees value the work undertaken by the Local Governing Bodies and is committed to ensuring that Governors are well supported as they carry out their duties for the Trust Board. There are termly Chairs Forums meeting where the chairs of the local governing body meet with the chair and vice chairs of the Trust board.



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